Uninstalling Informix Warehouse Accelerator

If you need to reinstall the Informix® Warehouse Accelerator or if you no longer want to use Informix Warehouse Accelerator, you must uninstall it.

You must be logged on as user root to run the uninstaller.
To uninstall Informix Warehouse Accelerator:
  1. Stop the accelerator server by using the ondwa stop command.
  2. Optional: To completely uninstall the Informix Warehouse Accelerator files, for example in cases where you do not plan to reinstall or upgrade the product, remove the files in the shared and local directories in the accelerator server storage directory and the log files for the accelerator server node that were created by the ondwa setup command:
    1. Drop all data marts from all accelerators of the accelerator server.
    2. Remove all accelerators of the accelerator server.
    3. Run the ondwa clean command.
  3. Run the uninstaller program, uninstall_iwa, which is located in the $INFORMIXDIR/uninstall/uninstall_iwa directory.

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