This example shows how you can use Informix® Warehouse Accelerator to accelerate
data from JSON collections.
You must have installed and configured your MongoDB, Informix, and Informix Warehouse Accelerator environments.
- From the MongoDB shell:
- Create two collections and comments.
$ mongo demo_database
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9
connecting to: demo_database
mongos> db.comments.insert( [
{ uid:12345, pid:444, comment:"first" },
{ uid:12345, pid:888, comment:"second" },
{ uid:99999, pid:444, comment:"third" }
] )
- Create two users.
mongos> db.users.insert( [
{ uid:12345, name:"john" },
{ uid:99999, name:"mia" }
] )
mongos> exit
- From Informix DB-Access
- Create views on JSON collections.
$dbaccess demo_database -
create view vcomments(uid,pid,comment) as select
from comments;
create view vusers(uid,name) as select
from users;
set environment use_dwa 'probe cleanup';
set environment use_dwa 'probe start';
select {+ avoid_execute} * from vcomments c,vusers u where c.uid=u.uid;
set environment use_dwa 'probe stop';
- Create the data mart by using query probing.
execute procedure ifx_probe2mart('demo_database','noSQL_mart');
execute function ifx_createmart('demo_dwa','noSQL_mart');
execute function ifx_loadmart('demo_dwa','noSQL_mart','NONE');
- Run the accelerated query.
set environment use_dwa 'accelerate on';
select c.uid,name,comment from vcomments c,vusers u where c.uid=u.uid and
uid 12345
name john
comment first
uid 99999
name mia
comment third