Example: Create a data mart from the command line

Use this step-by-step example as a guide to create, deploy, and load a data mart from the command line using workload analysis.

This example uses the stores_demo database that is created by the command dbaccessdemo.

The workload is from the following query:
SELECT {+ FACT(orders)} first 5 fname,lname,sum(ship_weight) 
   FROM customer c,orders o 
   WHERE c.customer_num=o.customer_num 
   and state='CA' and ship_date is not null 
   GROUP BY 1,2 
   ORDER BY 3 desc;    
The query selects the names of the top five customers from the state CA and the total ship weight of their already shipped orders. The query is an inner join. The orders table is the fact table. The customer table is the dimension table. Since the orders table has fewer rows than the customer table, the {+ FACT(orders)} optimizer hint is required. Otherwise, the customer table would be considered as the fact table.

The following commands correspond to steps in the task Creating data mart definitions manually by using workload analysis.

The SQL statements used in this example are run in the DB-Access utility, and are prompted by ">". Commands that are run from the shell are prompted by "$".

Step 1: Connect to the database

Connect to the database. This example uses the stores_demo database:
$ dbaccess stores_demo -
Database selected.

Step 2: Update statistics

Update the statistics on the database:
> update statistics low; 
Statistics updated.

Step 3: Remove probing results:

Remove previously existing probing results:
> set environment use_dwa 'probe cleanup';
Environment set.

Step 4: Start probing

Enable query probing:
> set environment use_dwa 'probe start'; 
Environment set.

Step 5: Optional - Enable SQL tracing

In a separate session, connect as user informix to the sysadmin database and activate SQL tracing:
$ dbaccess sysadmin -
> execute function task("set sql tracing on","1500","4","low", "global"); 
(expression)  SQL Tracing ON: ntraces=1500, size=4056, level=Low, mode=Global. 
1 row(s) retrieved.

Step 6: Skip running the query workload

When you issue this statement, the queries are optimized and probed but a result set is not determined or returned.
Important: If you want to process the probing data based on the run time of the queries, then turn on SQL tracing and do not use the AVOID_EXECUTE option of the SET EXPLAIN statement. If you avoid running the queries, you do not know the actual time the queries run.
> set explain on avoid_execute; 
Explain set.

Step 7: Run the query workload

Using this example, the SQL statements are:
> SELECT {+ FACT(orders)} first 5 fname,lname,sum(ship_weight) 
  FROM customer c,orders o 
  WHERE c.customer_num=o.customer_num and state='CA' 
  and ship_date is notnull 
  GROUP BY by 1,2 
  ORDER BY by 3 desc; 
  fname           lname                      (sum) 
No rows found.
The reason no rows are returned in this example is that the SET EXPLAIN ON AVOID_EXECUTE statement has been used.

Step 8: Stop probing

Disable query probing:
> set environment use_dwa 'probe stop'; 
Environment set.

Step 9: Optional - View the SQL trace information

You can use the onstat command or query the SMI tables to view the SQL trace information.

To use the onstat command:
$ onstat -g his

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.FC3 -- On-Line -- Up 00:53:06 --
182532 Kbytes

Statement history:

Trace Level                   Low
Trace Mode                 Global
Number of traces             1500
Current Stmt ID                 2
Trace Buffer size            4056
Duration of buffer             42 Seconds
Trace Flags            0x00001611
Control Block          0x4dd51028

Statement # 2:     @ 0x4dd51058

 Database:        0x100153
 Statement text:
  select {+ FACT(orders)} first 5 fname,lname,sum(ship_weight) 
			from customer c,orders o 
    where c.customer_num=o.customer_num and state='CA' and
    ship_date is not null group by 1,2 order by 3 desc

 Statement information:
  Sess_id  User_id  Stmt Type        Finish Time    Run Time   TX Stamp   PDQ
  51       29574    SELECT           10:39:09       0.0000     33f4e      0

 Statement Statistics:
  Page       Buffer     Read       Buffer     Page       Buffer     Write
  Read       Read       % Cache    IDX Read   Write      Write      % Cache
  0          0          0.00       0          0          0          0.00

  Lock       Lock       LK Wait    Log        Num        Disk       Memory
  Requests   Waits      Time (S)   Space      Sorts      Sorts      Sorts
  0          0          0.0000     0.000 B    0          0          0

  Total      Total      Avg        Max        Avg        I/O Wait   Avg Rows
  Executions Time (S)   Time (S)   Time (S)   IO Wait    Time (S)   Per Sec
  1          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.000000   0.000000   678122.8357

  Estimated  Estimated  Actual     SQL        ISAM       Isolation  SQL
  Cost       Rows       Rows       Error      Error      Level      Memory
  10         2          0          0          0          NL         25304

To query the SMI tables to view the SQL trace information:
> SELECT sql_id,sql_runtime, sql_statement 
  FROM sysmaster:syssqltrace 
  WHERE ql_stmtname='SELECT' 
  ORDER BY sql_runtime desc;

sql_id         2
sql_runtime    1.47450285e-06
sql_statement  select {+ FACT(orders)} first 5 fname,lname,sum(ship_weight)
               from customer c,orders o where c.customer_num=o.customer_num
               and state='CA' and ship_date is not null group by 1,2 order by 3 desc

Step 10: Create the Schema database

The stores_demo database is not a logging database. A different database is required to store the data mart schema tables generated by running the ifx_probe2mart() stored procedure:
$ dbaccess - -
> create database stores_marts with log;
Database created.

Step 11: Run the ifx_probe2mart() stored procedure

Run the ifx_probe2mart() stored procedure to create the definition for data mart 'orders_customer_mart':
> execute procedure ifx_probe2mart('stores_demo','orders_customer_mart');
Routine executed.

Step 12: Optional - Remove probing data

Remove probing data gathered in the warehouse database:
$ dbaccess stores_demo -
> set environment use_dwa 'probe stop'; 
Environment set.

Step 13: Optional - store the data mart definition in a file

Connect to the schema database stores_marts, where the data mart definition that was generated by the ifx_probe2mart() stored procedure is stored:
$ dbaccess stores_marts -
> execute function lotofile(ifx_genmartdef('orders_customer_mart'),
(expression)  orders_customer_mart.xml
1 row(s) retrieved.
To view the contents of the data mart definition file:
$ cat orders_customer_mart.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<dwa:martModel xmlns:dwa="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/dwa" version="1.0">
  <mart name="orders_customer_mart">
    <table name="customer" schema="informix" isFactTable="false" >  
      <column name="customer_num"/>
      <column name="fname"/>
      <column name="lname"/>
      <column name="state"/>
    <table name="orders" schema="informix" isFactTable="true" >
      <column name="customer_num"/>
      <column name="ship_date"/>
      <column name="ship_weight"/>
       <parentColumn name="customer_num"/>
       <dependentColumn name="customer_num"/>

Step 14: Deploy the data mart

Create the data mart orders_customer_mart on your accelerator stores_accelerator, by using schema database stores_marts:
$ dbaccess stores_demo -
> EXECUTE FUNCTION ifx_createMart('stores_accelerator', 'orders_customer_mart', 
(expression)   The operation was completed successfully. 
1 row(s) retrieved.

Step 15: Load the data mart

Load the data mart orders_customer_mart on your accelerator stores_accelerator. Tables in database stores_demo do not become locked:
> EXECUTE FUNCTION ifx_loadMart('stores_accelerator', 'orders_customer_mart', 
(expression)   The operation was completed successfully. 
1 row(s) retrieved.

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