Creating an accelerator by using Informix Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio
You can use Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio to create an accelerator. When you create an accelerator, you connect the accelerator server to the database server.
- On the computer where the accelerator server is installed, log on as user root.
- Run the ondwa getpin command to retrieve the IP address, port number, and pairing code from the accelerator server. This information is needed to establish the initial connection from the Informix® database server to the accelerator server.
- On the computer where the Informix Smart
Analytics Optimizer Studio is
installed, start the administration interface:
- On Linux, open the directory where Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio is installed and run the ./datastudio command.
- On Windows, select Start > Programs > Informix Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio 1.1
- In the Workspace Launcher window you can use the default
workspace, select an existing workspace, or create a new workspace:
- The file path and name of default workspace appears in the Workspace drop-down box. To accept the default workspace, click OK.
- To select an existing workspace, choose a workspace from the drop-down list and click OK.
- To create a new workspace, click Browse. Navigate to the directory location where you want to create the workspace and click Make New Folder. Type the name for the workspace and click OK. Then click OK again.
- The first time a workspace is created, a Welcome screen appears. Close the Welcome screen. The newly created blank workspace appears.
- Connect Smart
Analytics Optimizer Studio to
the Informix database
server and add the accelerator:
- In the Data Source Explorer window, open the Database Connections folder.
- Create a new connection to the Informix database
server. You must use the Informix JDBC Driver for
the connection. Restriction: The IBM® Data Server Driver for JDBC is not supported for the connection between Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio and the Informix database server.
- To add a new accelerator to the database, right-click the Database Connection folder. Right-click the Accelerators folder and choose Add Accelerator.
- Using the information you gathered in Step 2, type the name and pairing information for the accelerator.
- Click OK.
FLINS2 group - - c=1, a=4b3f3f457d5f552b613b4c587551362d2776496f226e714d75217e22614742677b424224 FLINS2_1 dwsoctcp 21022 g=FLINS2
- Use the SET EXPLAIN statement to see the query plan.
The Visual Explain text that appears in the administration interface shows query plans for Informix even when the query can be processed by Informix Warehouse Accelerator. When the query is sent to Informix Warehouse Accelerator for processing, the query plan is a simple remote request. If the query is accelerated, the Remote SQL Request section appears in the query plan. For example:
QUERY: DWA Executed(OPTIMIZATION TIMESTAMP: 02-20-2011 01:05:57) ------ select sum(units) from salesfact Estimated Cost: 242522 Estimated # of Rows Returned: 1 Maximum Threads: 0 1) sk@FLINS2:dwa.aqt0f957100-cca1-406b-93cc-cae2117122ae: Remote SQL Request: {QUERY {FROM dwa.aqt0f957100-cca1-406b-93cc-cae2117122ae} {SELECT {SUM {SYSCAST COL10 AS BIGINT} } } } QUERY: IDS FYI(OPTIMIZATION TIMESTAMP: 02-20-2011 01:05:57) ------ select sum(units) from salesfact Estimated Cost: 242522 Estimated # of Rows Returned: 1 Maximum Threads: 0 1) informix.salesfact: SEQUENTIAL SCAN Query statistics: ----------------- Table map : ---------------------------- Internal name Table name ---------------------------- type rows_prod est_rows time est_cost ------------------------------------------------- remote 1 0 00:00.00 0
that are issued from Smart
Analytics Optimizer Studio might
return the following warning even if the queries return results:
Warning (IWAQ0003W SQL warnings were found SQLState=02000 No data)
Parent topic: Informix Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio
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