Users who can run the ondwa commands

Either user root or user informix can run the ondwa commands. To run the ondwa commands as user informix requires setup steps. It is recommended that you determine which user will run the ondwa commands and to use the same user consistently. Whether you run the ondwa commands as user root or as user informix, user informix must be defined on the accelerator server. Otherwise, the ondwa commands will fail.

To run ondwa commands as user informix, the following restrictions apply:

  • The directory specified in the DWADIR parameter in the dwainst.conf file must be owned by user informix.
  • If you have a DWA_watchdog.log file, it must be writable for user informix. The DWA_watchdog.log file is in the directory specified by the DWADIR parameter.
  • The following shell soft and hard limits must be set to unlimited prior to running ondwa commands. For example, you can use the built-in Linux Bash shell ulimit command to change the resource availability.
    Table 1. Resources that must be set to unlimited for user informix to run ondwa commands.
    Resource Bash sell ulimit command
    max locked memory ulimit -l
    max memory size ulimit -m
    virtual memory ulimit -v
    If you installed Informix® Warehouse Accelerator on a cluster system with user informix, you can set the following equivalent parameters to unlimited in the /etc/security/limits.conf file on each cluster node:
    max locked-in-memory address space
    max resident set size
    address space limit
    For example:
    informix        soft    memlock        unlimited
    informix        hard    memlock        unlimited
    informix        soft    rss            unlimited
    informix        hard    rss            unlimited
    informix        soft    as             unlimited
    informix        hard    as             unlimited

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