Connections that the database server supports

The database server supports different types of connections with client application.

The following types of connections are supported by the database server.
Connection type Windows UNIX Local Network
Sockets X X X X
Shared memory   X X  
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) X X   X
Stream pipe   X X  
Named pipe X   X  

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connections use encryption for data communication between two points over a network.

When configuring connectivity, consider setting the LISTEN_TIMEOUT and MAX_INCOMPLETE_CONNECTION configuration parameters. These parameters enable you to reduce the risk of a hostile denial-of-service (DOS) attack by making it more difficult to overwhelm the Listener VP that handles connections.

UNIX only: On many UNIX platforms, the database server supports multiple network programming interfaces. The machine notes show the interface/protocol combinations that the database server supports for your operating system.

To set up a client connection:

  1. Specify connectivity and connection configuration parameters in your onconfig file.
  2. Set up appropriate entries in the connectivity files on your platform.
  3. Specify connectivity environment variables in your UNIX start-up scripts or the local and domain-wide Windows registries.
  4. Add an sqlhosts entry to define a dbserver group for your database server.

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