Connection information set in the DBSERVERALIASES configuration parameter

The DBSERVERALIASES configuration parameter lets you assign additional dbserver names to the same database server.

The maximum number of aliases is 32. The following example shows entries in an onconfig configuration file that assign three dbserver names to the same database server instance.
DBSERVERNAME          sockets_srvr
DBSERVERALIASES       ipx_srvr,shm_srvr
Because each dbserver name has a corresponding sqlhosts entry, you can associate multiple connection types with one database server.
shm_srvr         onipcshm     my_host            my_shm
sockets_srvr     onsoctcp     my_host            port1
ipx_srvr         ontlispx     nw_file_server     ipx_srvr
Using the sqlhosts file shown in the previous example, a client application uses the following statement to connect to the database server using shared-memory communication:
CONNECT TO '@shm_srvr'
A client application can initiate a TCP/IP sockets connection to the same database server using the following statement:
CONNECT TO '@sockets_srvr'

DBSERVERALIASES must begin with a lowercase letter and can contain other lowercase letters, digits, and underscores. DBSERVERALIASES must not include uppercase characters, a field delimiter (space or tab), or a new line character. Other characters from the basic ASCII code set are not necessarily reliable. For example, a hyphen or minus sign can create problems and a colon might not work reliably. The @ character is reserved to separate the database from the server (as in dbase@server).

In the previous examples, the @shm_srvr statement connects to an unidentified database at that server; alternatively, you can connect to dbase1@shm_srvr.

For onimcsoc or onsoctcp protocols, you can update the DBSERVERALIASES configuration parameter to include the number of multiple listen threads for the database server aliases in your sqlhosts information, as follows:

You can configure DBSERVERALIASES connections as SSL connections, and you can have a mix of SSL and non-SSL connections.

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