Processor affinity

The database server supports automatic binding of CPU virtual processors to processors on multiprocessor computers that support processor affinity.

Your database server distribution includes a machine notes file that contains information about whether your database server version supports this feature. When you assign a CPU virtual processor to a specific CPU, the virtual processor runs only on that CPU, but other processes also can run on that CPU.

Use the VPCLASS configuration parameter with the aff option to implement processor affinity on multiprocessor computers that support it.

The following figure illustrates the concept of processor affinity.
Figure 1. Processor affinity
This figure shows three virtual processors. An arrow from one virtual processor points to CPU 1. An arrow from the next virtual processor points to CPU 2. An arrow from the third virtual processor points to CPU 3.
UNIX only: To see if processor affinity is supported on your UNIX platform, see the machine notes file.

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