Back up after you change the physical schema

You must perform a level-0 backup of the root dbspace and the modified storage spaces to ensure that you can restore the data in certain circumstances.

Perform a level-0 backup to ensure that you can restore data when you:
  • Add or drop mirroring
  • Drop a logical-log file
  • Change the size or location of the physical log
  • Change your storage-manager configuration
  • Add, move, or drop a dbspace, blobspace, or sbspace
  • Add, move, or drop a chunk to a dbspace, blobspace, or sbspace
Important: When you add a new logical log, you no longer are required to perform a level-0 backup of the root dbspace and modified dbspace to use the new logical log. However, you must perform the level-0 backup to prevent level-1 and level-2 backups from failing.
You must perform a level-0 backup of the modified storage spaces to ensure that you can restore the unlogged data before you switch to a logging table type:
  • When you convert a nonlogging database to a logging database
  • When you convert a RAW table to standard

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