Creating a temporary sbspace

For background information and the rules for determining where temporary smart large objects are stored, see Temporary sbspaces. You can store temporary smart large objects in a standard or temporary sbspace. You can add or drop chunks in a temporary sbspace.

To create a temporary sbspace with a temporary smart large object:

  1. Allocate space for the temporary sbspace. For details, see Allocate disk space.

    For information about SBSPACETEMP, see the configuration parameters topics in the HCL Informix Administrator's Reference.

  2. Create the temporary sbspace as the following example shows:
    onspaces -c -S tempsbsp -t -p ./tempsbsp -o 0 -s 1000
  3. You can specify any of the following onspaces options:
    1. Specify a metadata area and offset (-Ms and -Mo).
    2. Specify storage characteristics (-Df).

      You cannot turn on logging for a temporary sbspace.

  4. Set the SBSPACETEMP configuration parameter to the name of the default temporary sbspace storage area.

    Restart the database server.

  5. Use onstat -d to display the temporary sbspace.

    For information and an example of onstat -d output, see the onstat utility in the HCL Informix Administrator's Reference.

  6. Specify the LO_CREATE_TEMP flag when you create a temporary smart large object.

    Using DataBlade API:


    Using Informix® ESQL/C:


For information about creating smart large objects, see the IBM Informix DataBlade API Programmer's Guide and IBM Informix ESQL/C Programmer's Manual.

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