Add and drop chunks and storage spaces

You can perform disk-layout operations, such as adding or dropping chunks and dbspaces, only from the primary database server. The operation is replicated on the secondary database server. This arrangement ensures that the disk layout on both database servers in the replication pair remains consistent.

The directory path name or the actual file for chunks must exist before you create them. Make sure the path names (and offsets, if applicable) exist on the secondary database server before you create a chunk on the primary database server, or else the database server turns off data replication.

Tip: When adding a dbspace on the primary server of a high-availability cluster that has one or more SD secondary servers, the online.log of an SD secondary server might show this error: "Assert Failed: Page Check Error". If that happens, shut down and restart that SD secondary server. After restarting that SD secondary server, the newly added dbspace will be available and fully functional.

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