After you complete the hardware configuration of the RS
secondary server, you are ready to start the RS secondary server and
connect it to the primary server.
Suppose you want to start a primary server and an RS secondary
server, ServerA and ServerB. The procedure for starting
the servers, using ServerA as the primary database server and ServerB as
the RS secondary database server, is described in the following steps.
The table ahead lists the commands required to perform each step.
procedure requires that the primary server be backed up and then restored
onto the secondary server. You can use
ontape or
ON-Bar to
perform the backup and restore. You must use the same utility throughout
the procedure.
Important: Even if you use ON-Bar to
perform the backup and restore, the ontape utility
is still required on both database servers to perform back ups and
to apply logical logs. Do not remove the ontape utility
from database servers that participate in an HDR cluster environment.
can also set up an RS secondary server using standard
ON-Bar or
ontape commands
for external backup and restore.
To start a primary server with
an RS secondary server:
- Install user-defined types, user-defined
routines, and DataBlade modules
on both database servers, and then register them on ServerA only.
For information about how to install user-defined types or
user-defined routines see the IBM®
Informix® User-Defined Routines and Data Types Developer's
Guide. For
information about how to install DataBlade modules,
see the IBM
DataBlade Module Installation and Registration
- Activate index page logging on the primary server.
- Record the identity of the RS secondary server on the primary
server. The optional password provides authentication between the
primary and RS secondary server when the connection between the primary
and secondary servers is established for the first time.
- Create a level-0 backup of ServerA.
- Perform a physical restore of ServerB from
the level-0 backup that you created in step 4. Do not perform a logical
Use the appropriate command:
- Use the onbar -r -p command to perform a physical
- Use the onbar -r -p -e command to perform a
physical external restore.
- Use the ontape -p option. (Do not use the ontape
-r option because it performs both a physical and a logical
- Use the ontape -p -e command to perform the
physical external restore.
- Use the onmode -d RSS ServerA
password command to set the type of ServerB to an RS secondary server and indicate the associated primary database server. For this example, ServerA's DBSERVERNAME and HA_ALIAS configuration parameters are both set to ServerA, and ServerB's DBSERVERNAME and HA_ALIAS configuration parameters are both set to ServerB.
Using the database server's HA_ALIAS configuration parameter value, ServerB tries to establish a connection with the primary database server (ServerA) and start operation. The connection must be successfully established.
The secondary database server performs a logical recovery using the logical-log records written to the primary database server since step 4. If all these logical-log records are still located on the primary database server disk, the primary database server sends these records directly to the RS secondary server over the network and logical recovery occurs automatically.
If you have backed up and freed logical-log files on the primary database server, the records in these files are no longer on disk. The secondary database server prompts you to recover these files from tape. In this case, you must perform step
Important: You must complete steps
5 through
6 during the same session. If you must shut down and restart the secondary database server after step
5, you must redo step
- If logical-log records that were written
to the primary database server are no longer on the primary disk,
the secondary database server prompts you to recover these files from
tape backups.
If the secondary database server must
read the backed-up logical-log files over the network, set the tape
device parameters on the secondary database server to a device on
the computer that is running the primary database server or to a device
at the same location as the primary database server.
After you
recover all the logical-log files on tape, the logical restore completes
using the logical-log files on the primary database server disk.