Disable SQL tracing globally or for a session

Even if the mode specified in the SQLTRACE configuration parameter is global or user, you can disable SQL tracing if you want to completely turn off all user and global tracing and deallocate resources currently in use by SQL tracing. By default, SQL tracing is off for all users.

You must be connected to the sysadmin database as user informix or another authorized user.

To disable global SQL tracing, run the SQL administration API task() or admin() function with the set sql tracing off argument.

To disable SQL tracing for a particular session, run the SQL administration API task() or admin() function with set sql tracing off as the first argument and the session identification number as the second argument.


The following example disables SQL tracing globally:
EXECUTE FUNCTION task('set sql tracing off');
(expression) SQL tracing off. 

1 row(s) retrieved.
The following example disables SQL tracing for the session with an ID of 47:
EXECUTE FUNCTION task(“set sql user tracing off”,47);

For more information about using task() or admin() functions, see the IBM® Informix® Guide to SQL: Syntax.

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