Compression ratio estimates

The compression ratio depends on the data that is being compressed. Before you compress a table or table fragment, you can estimate the amount of space you can save if data is compressed. Compression estimates are based on samples of row data. The actual ratio of saved space might vary.

The compression algorithm that HCL Informix® uses is a dictionary-based algorithm that performs operations on the patterns of the data that were found to be the most frequent, weighted by length, in the data that was sampled at the time the dictionary was built.

If the typical data distribution skews away from the data that was sampled when the dictionary was created, compression ratios can decrease.

The maximum compression ratio is 90 percent. The maximum compression of any sequence of bytes occurs by replacing each group of 15 bytes with a single 12-bit symbol number, yielding a compressed image that is ten percent of the size of the original image. However, the 90 percent ratio is never achieved because Informix adds a single byte of metadata to each compressed image.

HCL Informix estimates the compression ratios by random sampling of row data and then summing up the sizes of the following items:
  • Uncompressed row images
  • Compressed row images, based on a new compression dictionary that is temporarily created by the estimate compression command
  • Compressed row images, based on the existing dictionary, if there is one. If there is no existing dictionary, this value is the same as the sum of the sizes of the uncompressed row images.

The actual space saving ratios that are achieved might vary from the compression estimates due to a sampling error, the type of data, how data fits in data pages, or whether other storage optimization operations are also run.

Some types of data compress more than other types of data:
  • Text in different languages or character sets might have different compression ratios, even though the text is stored in CHAR or VARCHAR columns.
  • Numeric data that consists mostly of zeros might compress well, while more variable numeric data might not compress well.
  • Data with long runs of blank spaces compresses well.
  • Data that is already compressed by another algorithm and data that is encrypted might not compress well. For example, images and sound samples in rows might already be compressed, so compressing the data again does not save more space.

Compression estimates are based on raw compressibility of the rows. The server generally puts a row onto a single data page. How the rows fit on data pages can affect how much the actual compression ratio varies from the estimated compression ratio:

Informix does not store more than 255 rows on a single page. Thus, small rows or large pages can reduce the total savings that compression can achieve. For example, if 200 rows fit onto a page before compression, no matter how small the rows are when compressed, the maximum effective compression ratio is approximately 20 percent, because only 255 rows can fit on a page after compression.

If you are using a page size that is larger than the minimum page size, one way to increase the realized compression space savings is to switch to smaller pages, so that:
  • The 255 row limit can no longer be reached.
  • If this limit is still reached, there is less unused space on the pages.

More (or less) space can be saved, compared to the estimate, if the compress operation is combined with a repack operation, shrink operation, or repack and shrink operation. The repack operation can save extra space only if more compressed rows fit on a page than uncompressed rows. The shrink operation can save space at the dbspace level if the repack operation frees space.

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