Marking a chunk as extendable or not extendable

You mark a chunk as extendable to enable the automatic or manual extension of the chunk. You can change the mark to not extendable to prevent the automatic or manual extension of the chunk.

If a chunk is marked as not extendable:

  • The server cannot automatically extend the chunk when there is little or no free space in the chunk. (However, if the storage pool contains entries, the server can expand a storage space by adding another chunk to the storage space.)
  • You cannot manually extend the size of the chunk.

Prerequisite: An extendable chunk must be in an unmirrored dbspace or temporary dbspace.

To mark a chunk as extendable:
  1. Run the admin() or task() function with the modify chunk extendable argument, as follows:
  2. EXECUTE FUNCTION task("modify chunk extendable", "chunk number");
To mark a chunk as not extendable:
  1. Run the admin() or task() function with the modify chunk extendable off argument, as follows:
    EXECUTE FUNCTION task("modify chunk extendable off", "chunk number");

The following command specifies that chunk 12 can be extended:

EXECUTE FUNCTION task("modify chunk extendable", "12");

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