Configuring the frequency of the monitor low storage task

You can change the frequency of the mon_low_storage task, which periodically scans the list of dbspaces to find spaces that fall below the threshold indicated by SP_THRESHOLD configuration parameter. If the task finds spaces that below the threshold, the task attempts to expand the space, by extending an extendable chunk or by using the storage pool to add a chunk.

The default frequency of the mon_low_storage task is once per hour, but you can configure the task to run more or less frequently

Prerequisite: Specify a value in the SP_THRESHOLD configuration parameter for the minimum amount of free KB in a storage space.

To configure the mon_low_storage task to run more or less frequently:

Run the following SQL statements, where minutes is the number of minutes between each run:
DATABASE sysadmin;
UPDATE ph_task set tk_frequency = INTERVAL (minutes)
 MINUTE TO MINUTE WHERE tk_name = “mon_low_storage”;

For example, to configure the task to run every 10 minutes, run the following SQL statements:

DATABASE sysadmin;
UPDATE ph_task set tk_frequency = INTERVAL (10) MINUTE TO MINUTE
 WHERE tk_name = “mon_low_storage”;

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