Changing the threshold and wait time for the automatic addition of more space

While Informix® can react to out-of-space conditions by automatically extending or adding chunks when a storage space is full, you can also configure the server to extend or add chunks before a storage space is full.

Specify a threshold for the minimum amount of free KB in a storage space to trigger a task that expands the space.

You can also use the SP_WAITTIME configuration parameter to specify the maximum number of seconds that a thread waits for a space to expand before returning an out-of-space error.

To change the threshold and wait time:
  1. Change the value of the threshold specified in the SP_THRESHOLD configuration parameter from 0 (disabled) to a non-zero value. Specify a value from either 1 to 50 for a percentage of a value from 1000 to the maximum size of a chunk in KB.
  2. Change the value of the SP_WAITTIME configuration parameter, which specifies the maximum number of seconds that a thread waits for a space to expand before returning an out-of-space error.

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