EVENT_TIMEOUT Connection Manager configuration parameter

The EVENT_TIMEOUT parameter specifies the number of seconds that must elapse with no primary-server events before the active-arbiter Connection Manager starts failover processing. The Connection Manager waits for primary-server events or notifications from secondary servers that the primary server is offline. A primary-server event is an indication from the primary server that the server is still functioning, such as a sent performance-statistics or administration messages, or node-changes.

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|--EVENT_TIMEOUT--+- -1-----+-----------------------------------|

Table 1. Values for the EVENT_TIMEOUT Connection Manager configuration parameter
EVENT_TIMEOUT parameter value Description
-1 Connection Manager waits indefinitely
0 to 30 Connection Manager waits 30 seconds.
> 30 Connection Manager waits the specified number of seconds.


The EVENT_TIMEOUT parameter is optional, and applies to CLUSTER connection units.

If EVENT_TIMEOUT is not specified in the Connection Manager configuration file, the Connection Manager waits 60 seconds for primary-server events or notifications from secondary servers that the primary server is offline before it starts failover processing.


In the following example, the active-arbiter Connection Manager begins failover processing after 200 seconds elapse with no primary-server events.

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