INFORMIXSERVER Connection Manager configuration parameter

The INFORMIXSERVER parameter specifies database servers or Enterprise Replication nodes that the Connection Manager connects to after it starts. The values of the INFORMIXSERVER parameter are also used for providing database server information for service-level agreements when a Connection Manager's SQLHOSTS parameter is set to REMOTE or LOCAL+REMOTE.


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CLUSTER connection unit

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GRID connection unit

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REPLSET connection unit

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SERVERSET connection unit

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The INFORMIXSERVER parameter is required, and is supported by the following connection units:
  • GRID

For Enterprise Replication domains, list group names for the nodes that receive client requests from the Connection Manager.

For server-set replication domains, list group names for the nodes that receive client requests from the Connection Manager. List standalone server names, as well.

For high-availability clusters, list the group name for the cluster, or list the names of database servers.


In the following example, the Connection Manager connects to all database servers that are members of the my_server_group group in the Connection Manager sqlhosts file.
NAME my_connection_manager

CLUSTER my_cluster
   INFORMIXSERVER my_server_group

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