Operational considerations
08:24:56 License Server configuration succeeded.
18:25:00 Server is holding 2 license(s).
The first message indicates that the license server has been successfully contacted. If the license server cannot be contacted, or there are insufficient licenses available, then IDS will not start. You will see the following messages in the log.
10:08:07 License Server configuration failed. Cannot acquire licenses. Server must shut down.
HCL Informix Dynamic Server needs licenses for the CPU/TENANT VP
resources to operate and it should be able to acquire them from
the License Server.
Server will shut down during startup if there are not enough
licenses for the number of CPU VPs set in the ONCONFIG file.
Please make sure there are licenses available.
10:08:07 HCL Informix Dynamic Server Stopped.
IDS will continually check the licensing of the instance and acquire more licenses as required from the license server. So if you start the instance with 3 CPU VPs, then dynamically add a CPU VP, then you will see the licenses adjusted.
09:50:06 License Server configuration succeeded.
09:50:08 Server is holding 3 license(s).
09:50:08 Defragmenter cleaner thread now running.
09:50:08 Defragmenter cleaner thread cleaned:0 partitions
09:50:30 Dynamically added 1 cpu VP.
09:50:38 Server is holding 4 license(s).
If there are not enough licenses to fulfill the request for additional CPU VP resources then the VPs will be adjusted back down. If it is not possible to drop the VPs then the server willprint the following message.
10:00:52 Not enough licenses. VP resources were adjusted.
HCL Informix Dynamic Server requires licenses for the CPU/TENANT
VP resources to operate and it should be able to acquire them
from the License Server.
You are receiving this warning because there were not enough
licenses available for the number of CPU/TENANT VPs. Informix
server tried to adjust the VP resources for the available number
of licenses.
Please make sure there are licenses available.
10:00:54 Warning: Only 1 out of 3 requested cpu VPs can be dropped
10:00:54 Dynamically dropped 1 cpu VP
10:00:54 Server is holding 1 license(s).
This instance is now in the state of having more CPU VPs running than there are licenses available. The instance will continue to run but there will be a continual stream of warnings in the message log until licenses are made available to fulfill the CPU allocation.
When the instance is shutdown, the licenses will be returned to the FlexNet server. These licenses can then be claimed by another instance or by the same instance when it restarts.
In case of an abnormal shutdown, it may be impossible for the IDS instance to return the licenses and they will remain allocated to the instance even though it is not running. When the IDS instance is restarted, a verification check is performed that allows the previously allocated licenses to be reclaimed.
$ onclean -yk
onclean: Cleaning up processes and resources for 'ol_informix1210_2'...
- Looking for the master daemon process: 13904
Connected to License Server:
2 license(s) returned successfully.
If the problem causing the abnormal termination has also made the physical IDS installation inaccessible, then recovery of the licenses will require the assistance of HCL Technical Support.