
For each defined audit mask (that is, for each username), the sysaudit table contains flags that represent the database events that generate audit records. The success and failure columns represent the bitmasks that compose the audit masks. If a bit is set in both the success the and failure columns, the corresponding event generates an audit record whether or not the event succeeded.

You must be user informix or user root on UNIX or a member of the Informix-Admin group on Windows to retrieve information from the sysaudit table.

Use the onaudit utility to list or modify an audit mask. For information about onaudit and auditing, see your IBM® Informix® Security Guide.
Column Type Description
username char(32) Name of the mask
succ1 integer Bitmask of the audit mask for success
succ2 integer Bitmask of the audit mask for success
succ3 integer Bitmask of the audit mask for success
succ4 integer Bitmask of the audit mask for success
succ5 integer Bitmask of the audit mask for success
fail1 integer Bitmask of the audit mask for failure
fail2 integer Bitmask of the audit mask for failure
fail3 integer Bitmask of the audit mask for failure
fail4 integer Bitmask of the audit mask for failure
fail5 integer Bitmask of the audit mask for failure

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