
The sysdbspaces table contains a description of each of the storage spaces that the database server manages.

Table 1. sysdbspaces table information
Column Type Description
dbsnum smallint Space number
name char(128) Space name
owner char(32) User ID of owner of the space
fchunk smallint Number of the first chunk in the space
nchunks smallint Number of chunks in the space
create_size decimal The minimum size of a chunk that can be created for this space using the storage pool.
extend_size decimal The minimum size by which a chunk in this storage space can be extended, either manually or automatically.
pagesize integer Page size
is_mirrored integer 1 = The space is mirrored

0 = The space is not mirrored

is_blobspace integer 1 = The space is a blobspace

0 = The space is not a blobspace

is_sbspace integer 1 = The space is an sbspace

0 = The space is not an sbspace

is_temp integer 1 = The space is a temporary dbspace

0 = The space is not a temporary dbspace

is_encrypted integer 1 = The space is encrypted

0 = The space is not encrypted

flags smallint Each bit position represents a separate flag. Thus, it might be easier to read values in this column if you return the values with the HEX function.
  • 1 (0x0001) = The space has no mirror
  • 2 (0x0002) = The space uses mirroring
  • 4 (0x0004) = Mirroring is disabled
  • 8 (0x0008) = The space is newly mirrored
  • 16 (0x0010) = The space is a blobspace
  • 32 (0x0020) = The blobspace is on removable media
  • 128 (0x0080) = The blobspace has been dropped
  • 512 (0x0200) = The space is being recovered
  • 1024 (0x0400) = The space has been physically recovered
  • 2048 (0x0800) = The space is in logical recovery
  • 32768 (0x8000) = The space is an sbspace

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