
The systrgsds table provides SD secondary server related statistics at the SD secondary server.

The systrgsds table contains these columns:
Column Type Description
address int8 SD secondary server control block address
source_server char(128) Source server serving the SD secondary server
connection_status char(20) Connected or disconnected
last_received_log_uniq integer Unique log ID of last log page received
last_received_log_page integer Page number of last log page received
next_lptoread_log_uniq integer Unique log ID of next log page to read
next_lptoread_log_page integer Page number of next log page to read
last_acked_lsn_uniq integer Unique log ID of last LSN acknowledged
last_acked_lsn_pos integer Log position of last LSN acknowledged
last_seq_received integer Sequence ID of last buffer received
last_seq_acked integer Sequence ID of last buffer acknowledged
cur_pagingfile char(640) Current® paging file name
cur_pagingfile_size int8 Current paging file size
old_pagingfile char(640) Old paging file name
old_pagingfile_size int8 Old paging file size

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