The ph_task Table

The ph_task table contains information about Scheduler tasks and sensors. The ph_task table contains built-in tasks and sensors that are scheduled to run automatically.

Table 1. The ph_task table
Column Type Description
tk_id serial Sequential job ID.

System updated; do not modify.

Referenced in the alert_task_id column in the ph_alert table and in the run_task_id column in the ph_run table.

tk_name char(36) Job name. A unique index on this column ensures that no two names are the same.

Referenced in the task_name column of the ph_threshold table.

tk_description lvarchar Description about what the task or sensor does.
tk_type char(18) Type of job:
  • TASK: Invokes an action at a specific time and frequency
  • SENSOR: (Default) A task that collects, stores, and purges data to or from a result table
  • STARTUP TASK: A task that runs only when the server starts
  • STARTUP SENSOR: A sensor that runs only when the server starts
tk_sequence integer Current® data collection number.

System updated; do not modify.

Referenced in the alert_task_id column of the ph_alert table and the run_task_seq column of the ph_run table.

tk_result_table varchar Results table name for storing data collected by a sensor. The table is created by the CREATE TABLE statement in the tk_create column.
tk_create lvarchar The CREATE TABLE statement used to create the results table to store data collected by a sensor.

One of the columns in the table must be named ID and hold the tk_sequence value. This value indicates the age of the row and can be used for purging the row.

tk_dbs varchar(250) The database in which the task is run.

Default is sysadmin.

tk_execute lvarchar The SQL statement to execute.

The length of the command is limited to 2048 bytes.

tk_delete interval day(2) to second Data older than this interval is deleted from the result table.

Default is 1:00:00 (one day).

tk_start_time datetime hour to second Time when the task or sensor starts.

Default is 08:00:00.

tk_stop_time datetime hour to second Time of day after which the task or sensor cannot be scheduled to be run. The database server schedules the next execution on the next valid day.

Default is 19:00:00. Can be NULL, indicating no stop time.

tk_frequency interval day(2) to second How often this task or sensor runs.

Default is 1 (once a day).

tk_next_execution datetime year to second Next time this task or sensor will be run.

After a startup task or sensor has run, this value is NULL. When a task or a sensor is enabled, the database server calculates this time from the values of tk_start_time, tk_stop_time, and tk_frequency columns, and the days of the week the task or sensor is enabled, according to the values of tk_monday, tk_tuesday, tk_wednesday, tk_thursday, tk_friday, tk_saturday, tk_sunday columns. For example, new_next_execution_time = current_next_execution_time + tk_frequency, where the new_next_execution_time is greater than the current_next_execution_time. If tk_frequency is not present, the task is run once.

tk_total_executions integer The number of times that the task or sensor was run.

System updated; do not modify.

Default is 0.

tk_total_time float Total time spent executing this task or sensor.

System updated; do not modify

Default is 0.0 seconds.

tk_monday boolean Whether the task or sensor is run on Monday.

Default is T (true).

tk_tuesday boolean Whether the task or sensor is run on Tuesday.

Default is T (true).

tk_wednesday boolean Whether the task or sensor is run on Wednesday.

Default is T (true).

tk_thursday boolean Whether the task or sensor is run on Thursday.

Default is T (true).

tk_friday boolean Whether the task or sensor is run on Friday.

Default is T (true).

tk_saturday boolean Whether the task or sensor is run on Saturday.

Default is T (true).

tk_sunday boolean Whether the task or sensor is run on Sunday.

Default is T (true).

tk_attributes integer Flags

System updated; do not modify.

tk_group varchar(128) Group name.

Must be the same as a value in the group_name column in the ph_group table.

Default is MISC.

tk_enable boolean Whether the task or sensor is enabled.

Default is T (the task is enabled).

tk_priority integer Job priority, on a scale of 0- 5, with higher numbers indicating higher priority. If there are several jobs to execute simultaneously, the job with the highest priority executes first.

Default is 0 (low priority).

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