What Does Each Option Do?

The oncheck options fall into three categories: check, repair, and display.

The display or print options (those prefixed with the letter p) are identical in function to the -c options, except that the -p options display additional information about the data that is being checked as the oncheck utility executes. You cannot combine oncheck option flags except as the following paragraphs describe.

In general, the -c options check for consistency and display a message on the screen only if they find an error or inconsistency.

Any user can execute the check options. On UNIX platforms, you must be user informix or root to display database data or initiate repair options. On Windows, you must be a member of the Informix-Admin group to display database data or initiate repair options.

Table 1 associates oncheck options with their function. It also shows the SQL administration API command strings that are equivalent to the oncheck -c options.

Table 1. oncheck Options and Their Function
Object Check SQL administration API command string Repair Display
Blobspace simple large objects       -pB
System catalog tables -cc   -pc
Data rows, no simple large objects or smart large objects -cd   -pd
Data rows, simple large objects but no smart large objects -cD   -pD
Table with a user-defined access method -cd, -cD CHECK DATA    
Chunks and extents -ce CHECK EXTENTS   -pe
Index (key values) -ci, -cix -ci -y -pk -y, -pkx -y -pk
Index (keys plus rowids) -cI, -cIx   -cI -y -pK -y, -pKx -y -pK
Index with a user-defined access method -ci, -cI      
Index (leaf key values)     -pl -y, -plx -y -pl
Index (leaf keys plus rowids)     -pL -y, -pLx -y -pL
Pages (by table or fragment)       -pp
Pages (by chunk)       -pP
Root reserved pages -cr, -cR     -pr, -pR
Metadata for smart large objects -cs, -cS     -ps, -pS
Space usage (by table or fragment)   CHECK PARTITION


Space usage (by table, with indexes)       -pT

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