Taking the Database Server to Offline Mode with the -k Option

The onmode -k option takes the database server to offline mode and removes database server shared memory.

A prompt asks for confirmation. Another prompt asks for confirmation to kill user threads before the database server comes offline. If you want to eliminate these prompts, execute the -y option with the -s option.

This option does not kill all client sessions. Use the -u option to avoid hanging client sessions or virtual server processes.
Important: When you use the onmode -k command to shut down the database server, utilities that are waiting for a user response might not terminate. For example, ontape might be waiting for another tape, onstat -i might be waiting for a user response, or onspaces might be waiting for y or n to continue. If this problem occurs, use onmode -uk or -uky instead to roll back work before removing shared memory. For more information, see the descriptions of other options on this page.

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