onmode -p: Add or drop virtual processors
Use the onmode -p command to dynamically add or drop virtual processors for the database server instance. The onmode -p command does not update the onconfig file.
Syntax: >>-onmode-- -p--+-+----+--number--+-ADT-----+-+---------------->< | '- +-' +-AIO-----+ | | +-BTS-----+ | | +-CPU-----+ | | +-DWAVP---+ | | +-ENCRYPT-+ | | +-JVP-----+ | | +-LIO-----+ | | +-MSC-----+ | | +-PIO-----+ | | +-SOC-----+ | | +-STR-----+ | | '-vpclass-' | '- - -number--+-BTS-----+-----' +-CPU-----+ +-ENCRYPT-+ +-JVP-----+ '-vpclass-'
Element | Purpose | Key Considerations |
-p number | Adds or drops virtual processors. The number argument
indicates the number of virtual processors to add or drop If this value is a negative integer, processors are dropped. If this value is a positive integer, processors are added. |
You can use the -p option only when the
database server is in online mode, and you can add to only one class
of virtual processors at a time. For more details, see Rules for adding and dropping virtual processors. If you are dropping virtual processors, the maximum cannot exceed the actual number of processors of the specified type. If you are adding virtual processors, the maximum number depends on the operating system. For more information, see the chapter on using virtual processors in the IBM® Informix Administrator's Guide. |
ADT | Runs auditing processes | The database server starts one virtual processor in the audit class when you turn on audit mode by setting the ADTMODE parameter in the ONCONFIG file. |
AIO | Performs nonlogging disk I/O to cooked disk spaces | Also performs nonlogging I/O to raw disk spaces if kernel asynchronous I/O (KAIO) is not used. |
BTS | Run basic text search index operations and queries. | BTS virtual processors are non-yielding. Specify
more BTS virtual processors if you want multiple basic text search
queries to be run simultaneously. Use the VPCLASS parameter in the onconfig file
to create at least one permanent BTS virtual processor. For more information on basic text search queries, see the IBM Informix Database Extensions User's Guide. |
CPU | Runs all session threads and some system threads | It is recommended that the number of CPU VPs not be greater than the number of physical processors. If KAIO is used, performs I/O to raw disk spaces, including I/O to physical and logical logs. Runs thread for KAIO where available or a single poll thread. The database server uses the number of CPU VPs to allocate resources for parallel database queries (PDQ). If you drop CPU VPs, your queries will run significantly slower. The Reinit field of the onstat -g mgm output displays information on the number of queries that are waiting for running queries to complete after an onmode -p command. Also see the HCL Informix Performance Guide. |
DWAVP | Runs the administrative functions and procedures for Informix® Warehouse Accelerator on a database server that is connected to Informix Warehouse Accelerator | A single DWAVP can process most Informix Warehouse Accelerator operations without delay. However, in systems with significant activity, you can define a maximum of two DWAVP virtual processors to avoid the delay of other administrative commands while data marts are loading. |
ENCRYPT | Executes column-level encryption and decryption routines | Specify more ENCRYPT virtual processors if you have multiple encrypted columns. |
JVP | Executes Java™ user-defined routines in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) | Specify more JVPs if you are running many Java UDRs. |
LIO | Writes to the logical-log files if they are in cooked disk space | Use two LIO virtual processors only if the logical logs are in mirrored dbspaces. The database server allows a maximum of two LIO virtual processors. |
MSC | Manages requests for system calls that require a large stack | Used for miscellaneous internal tasks. |
PIO | Writes to the physical log if it is in cooked disk space | Use two PIO virtual processors only if the physical log is in a mirrored dbspace. The database server allows a maximum of two PIO virtual processors. |
SOC | Uses sockets to perform network communications | You can use the SOC virtual processor only if the database server is configured for network connections through sockets. |
STR | Performs stream pipe connections | |
vpclass | Names a user-defined virtual processor class | Use the VPCLASS parameter in the onconfig to
define the user-defined virtual-processor class. Specify more user-defined
virtual processors if you are running many UDRs. On Windows, you can have only one user-defined virtual processor class at a time. Omit the number parameter in the onmode -p vpclass command. For more information on extension classes, see VPCLASS configuration parameter. |