onspaces -c -x: Create an extspace
Use the onspaces -c -x option to create an extspace.
Syntax: >>-onspaces -c-- -x--extspace-- -l--location-- -o--offset-------> >-- -s--size---------------------------------------------------><
Element | Purpose | Key Considerations |
-c | Creates a dbspace, blobspace, sbspace, or extspace
You can create up to 2047 storage spaces of any type. |
After you create a storage space, you must back
up both this storage space and the root dbspace. If you create a storage
space with the same name as a deleted storage space, perform another
level-0 backup to ensure that future restores do not confuse the new
storage space with the old one. For more information, see creating a dbspace, blobspace, or extspace, in the chapter on managing disk space in the IBM® Informix® Administrator's Guide. |
-l location | Specifies the location of the extspace The access method determines the format of this string. |
Restrictions: String. Value must not be
longer than 255 bytes. For more information, see creating an extspace, in the chapter on managing disk space in the IBM Informix Administrator's Guide. |
-o offset | Indicates, in kilobytes, the offset into the disk partition or into the device to reach the initial chunk of the new blobspace, dbspace, or sbspace | Restrictions: Unsigned integer. The starting offset must be equal to or greater than 0. The starting offset plus the chunk size cannot exceed the maximum chunk size. The maximum offset is 2 or 4 terabytes, depending on the platform. For more information, see allocating raw disk space, in the chapter on managing disk space in the IBM Informix Administrator's Guide. |
-ssize | Indicates, in kilobytes, the size of the initial chunk of the new blobspace or dbspace | Restrictions: Unsigned integer. The size
must be equal to or greater than 1000 kilobytes and a multiple of
the page size. The starting offset plus the chunk size cannot exceed
the maximum chunk size. The maximum chunk size is 2 or 4 terabytes, depending on the platform. |
-x extspace | Names the extspace to be created | Restrictions: Extspace names can be up to
128 bytes. They must be unique, begin with a letter or underscore,
and contain only letters, digits, underscores, or $ characters.
For more information, see extspaces, in the chapter on managing disk space in the IBM Informix Administrator's Guide. |