onstat -g arc command: Print archive status

Use the onstat -g arc command to display information about the last committed archive for each dbspace and also information about any current ongoing archives.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram

>>-onstat-- -g--arc--------------------------------------------><

Example output

Figure 1. onstat -g arc command output
Dbspaces - Ongoing archives
number   name            Q Size Q Len  buffer partnum    size     Current-page
1        rootdbs         100    3      100    0x1001c9   0        1:128
3        datadbs01       0      0                                
4        datadbs02       0      0   

Dbspaces - Archive Status
name               number level date             log        log-position
rootdbs            1      0     07/30/2009.09:59 28         0x320018  
datadbs01          3      0     07/30/2009.09:59 28         0x320018  
datadbs02          4      0     07/30/2009.09:59 28         0x320018  

Output description - Ongoing archives

This output section represents current information about the archives. If no archives are active in the system, this section is not displayed.
Column Description
Number The number of the dbspace
Name The name of the dbspace
Q Size The before-image queue list size. This information is primarily for IBM® support.
Q Len The before-image queue length. This information is primarily for IBM support.
Buffer The number of pages used in the before-image buffer
Partnum The partition number of the before-image bin
Size The number of pages in the before-image bin
Current-page The current page that is being archived
Note: The before-image bin is a temporary table created in a temporary dbspace, or in the root dbspace if you do not have any temporary dbspaces. If the before-image bin becomes too small, it can extend to additional partitions, in which case the output will display see multiple Partnum and Size fields for the same dbspace.

Output description - Archive status

This output section contains information about the last backup that has occurred for each dbspace.
Column Description
Name The name of the dbspace
Number The dbspace number
Level The archive level
Date The date and time of the last archive
Log The unique ID (UNIQID) of the checkpoint that was used to start the archive
Log-position The log position (LOGPOS) of the checkpoint that was used to start the archive

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