Severity 5 event alarms

Severity 5 event alarms indicate that the database server has failed.

Table 1. Severity 5 event alarms
ID Messages Explanation

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Internal subsystem failure: 'message'

Specific message:

Cache read error

The database server shut down after encountering an error while reading an internal cache.

Online log: Assertion Failure.

Server State: Offline.

User action: Start the database server and try the operation again. If the operation fails again, note all circumstances and contact IBM® Software Support.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Internal subsystem failure: 'message'

Specific message:

An internal error was detected by the Buffer Manager in the database server.

The database server buffer manager encountered an internal error and either shut down or corrected the problem.

Online log: Assertion warning or an assertion failure with a description of the operation being performed at the time of the error. Typically, an assertion warning shows that the error was internally corrected.

Server State: Offline if the error was unrecoverable. Online if the error was corrected.

User action: If the error was unrecoverable, start the database server and try the operation again. If the operation fails again, note all circumstances and contact IBM Software Support. No action is required if the error was internally corrected by the database server.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Internal subsystem failure: 'message'

Specific message:

An internal error was reported by the database server when it detected an inconsistency with the internal buffer queues.

The database server detected an inconsistency during the processing of internal buffer queues and either shut down or corrected the problem.

Online log: Assertion warning or an assertion failure with a description of the operation being performed at the time of the error. Typically, an assertion warning shows that the error was internally corrected.

Server State: Offline if the error was unrecoverable. Online if the error was corrected.

User action: If the error was unrecoverable, start the database server and try the operation again. If the operation fails again, note all circumstances and contact IBM Software Support. No action is required if the error was internally corrected by the database server.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Internal subsystem failure: 'message'

Specific message:

Logical logging error for 'object' in 'space'

The database server shut down because of an error while processing logical logs.

Online log: Assertion failure with a description of the operation and logical log information.

Server State: Offline.

User action: Start the database server. If the operation fails again, note all circumstances and contact IBM Software Support.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Internal subsystem failure: 'message'

Specific message:

Lock types lock_type and lock_type should never be merged

The database server shut down after attempting to merge incompatible locks.

Online log: Assertion failure with the lock types that the database server was attempting to merge.

Server State: Offline.

User action: Start the database server. If the operation fails again, note all circumstances and contact IBM Software Support.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Internal subsystem failure: 'message'

Specific message:

An internal error was reported by the database server when it detected some corruption in the lock free list chain.

The database server shut down after detecting corruption of an internal structure that manages an internal list of free locks.

Online log: Assertion failure.

Server State: Offline.

User action: Start the database server. If the operation fails again, note all circumstances and contact IBM Software Support.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Internal subsystem failure: 'message'

Specific message:

Thread exited with number buffers held

The database server shut down after detecting that a thread is holding one or more buffers.

Online log: Assertion failure with the number of buffers being held by the thread.

Server State: Offline.

User action: Bring the database server online. If the operation fails again, note all circumstances and contact IBM Software Support.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Internal subsystem failure: 'message'

Specific message:

A fatal internal error (Recursive exception) has caused the database server processes to terminate unexpectedly.

The database server detected recursive calls to exception handling and immediately shut down to avoid an infinite loop.

Online log: Assertion failure.

Server State: Offline.

User action: Start the database server. If the operation fails again, note all circumstances and contact IBM Software Support.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Internal subsystem failure: 'message'

Specific message:

A fatal internal error (Internal exception) has caused the database server processes to terminate unexpectedly.

The database server shut down due to an unrecoverable internal error.

Online log: Assertion failure with information about the exception that caused the problem.

Server State: Offline.

User action: Start the database server. Look at the exception information in the assertion failure file. If the exception relates to a user-defined routine, investigate and correct the user-defined routine. If the operation fails again, note all circumstances and contact IBM Software Support.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Internal subsystem failure: 'message'

Specific message:

A fatal internal error (Master daemon died) has caused the database server processes to terminate unexpectedly.

The master daemon oninit process stopped and the database server shut down. This error can be caused by the termination of operating system processes.

Online log: Assertion failure.

Server State: Offline.

User action: Start the database server. Be careful when terminating operating system processes.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Internal subsystem failure: 'message'

Specific message:

A fatal internal error (VP died) has caused the database server processes to terminate unexpectedly.

An oninit process stopped and the database server shut down. This error can be caused by the termination of operating system processes.

Online log: Assertion failure.

Server State: Offline.

User action: Start the database server. Be careful when terminating operating system processes.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Internal subsystem failure: 'message'

Specific message:

ERROR: cannot fork secondary Server thread (MACH11 Shutdown)

The secondary server shut down but was unable to create a thread to shut down normally.

Online log: DR: Shutting down the server. ERROR: can not fork secondary Server thread (MACH11 Shutdown) Can not run onmode -ky PANIC: Attempting to bring system down.

Server State: Offline.

User action: None.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Internal subsystem failure: 'message'

Specific message:

A fatal internal error (KAIO) has caused the database server processes to terminate unexpectedly.

The database server shut down because of an error in the KAIO subsystem.

Online log: Assertion failure with the specific operation that failed.

Server State: Offline.

User action: Start the database server. If the operation fails again, note all circumstances and contact IBM Software Support.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Generic event for when the database server terminates unexpectedly due to an internal error condition. An internal error occurred and the database server shut down.

Online log: Assertion failure.

Server State: Offline.

User action: Start the database server. Examine the assertion failure file for more information about what happened. If possible, fix any problems identified and try the operation again. If the operation fails again, note all circumstances and contact IBM Software Support.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Database server resource overflow: 'resource_name'

Specific message:

Physical log file overflow

The physical log file is full and needs to overflow. If this happens during recovery, the database server attempts to extend the physical log.

Online log: Assertion failure if the database server is either not in recovery or is unable to extend the physical log. Assertion warning if the database server is in recovery and extends the physical log.

Server State: Offline.

User action: None.

Class ID:


Event ID:


Class message:

Database server resource overflow: 'resource_name'

Specific message:

Logical log buffer overflow detected

The database server shut down because the logical log buffer is full.

Online log: Assertion failure with the log record size and the buffer size.

Server State: Offline.

User action: Increase the value of the LOGBUFF configuration parameter in the onconfig file. Start the database server.

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