LICENSE_TIMING configuration parameter

Use the LICENSE_TIMING configuration parameter to configure the interval that Informix instance will borrow FlexNet licenses for CPU license resources, and the interval that the instance will renew the license.

onconfig.std value

LICENSE_TIMING 2days,23hours


Range for borrow_interval between 2hours and 30days. Range for renewal_interval between 1hour and 719hours (29days is max if specifying in day units).


Separate values with a comma.

takes effect
After you edit your onconfig file and restart the database server.
When you reset the value dynamically in your onconfig file by running the onmode -wf command.
When you reset the value in memory by running the onmode -wm command.

After you run the SQL administration API task() or admin() function with the -wf LICENSE_TIMING =value or -wmLICENSE_TIMING =value arguments.


Use this parameter to set the how long the instance wants to use the license (borrow_interval), and how often the instance should renew the license (renewal_interval). An interval period can be specified in days, or hours, using the format Ndays or Nhours where N is a number greater or equal to 0. The use of day, d, hour or h are acceptable short forms.

A value of “2days,25hours” means that the instance will request to borrow licenses for 2 days, with a minimum renewal duration of 25 hours. So every 23 hours we will contact the license server and renew the licenses assigned to the current device. There is also an hourly check to see that the license server is still available. If the license server cannot be contacted, warning messages will sent to the log and an alarm raised through ALRAMPROGRAM.

A value “14days,12days” means that the instance will request to borrow licenses for 14 days, with a minimum renewal duration of 12 days. So every 48 hours we will contact the license server and renew the licenses assigned to the current device.

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