set dataskip argument: Start or stop skipping a dbspace (SQL administration API)

Use the set dataskip argument with the admin() or task() function to specify whether the database server skips a dbspace that is unavailable during the processing of a transaction.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-EXECUTE FUNCTION--+-admin-+--(--+-"set dataskip on"--+------->
                     '-task--'     '-"set dataskip off"-'   


Element Description Key Considerations
dbspace The name of the dbspace to begin or to stop skipping.  


Run this function to update the value of the DATASKIP configuration parameter, which specifies whether the database server skips a dbspace that is unavailable (for example, due to a media failure) in the course of processing a transaction.

Use the set dataskip on argument to begin skipping the specified dbspace when it is down.

Use the set dataskip off argument to stop skipping the specified dbspace.

This function is equivalent to the onspaces -f command.


The following example skips the dbspace named dbsp1 if it is down:
EXECUTE FUNCTION task("set dataskip on","dbsp1");

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