Configure the storage manager and ON-Bar
The topics in this section provide the information that you need to plan and to set up ON-Bar with a storage manager.
- Configure a storage manager
ON-Bar backup and restore operations require a storage manager that integrates with ON-Bar through an XBSA shared library interface. - Validating your storage manager
When you convert or revert the HCL Informix® database server, the storage manager that you used on the old version might not be validated for the version that you are migrating to. Verify that the storage-manager vendor successfully completed the HCL Informix validation process for the database server version and platform. - Configuring ON-Bar
Before you begin your first backup, review the default ON-Bar parameters in the onconfig file and adjust the values as needed. You can also set an environment variable. - Verifying the configuration of ON-Bar and your storage manager
Before you begin using ON-Bar and your storage manager, make sure that ON-Bar and your storage manager are set up correctly. - Files that ON-Bar and storage managers use
ON-Bar, HCL Informix Primary Storage Manager, and IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) use particular files in your installation.
Parent topic: ON-Bar backup and restore system
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