Verification failures
The verification of a backup can fail for various reasons. If a backup fails verification, do not attempt to restore it.
The causes of a verification failure are unpredictable and range from corruption of the database server to a failed restore because ON-Bar cannot find the backup object on the storage manager. In fact, the restore might appear to be successful but it hides the real problem with the data or media.
Backups with corrupted pages
If the pages are corrupted, the problem is with the databases rather than with the backup or the media.
Run oncheck -cd on any tables that produce errors and then redo the backup and verification. To check extents and reserved pages, run oncheck -ce and oncheck -cr.
Backups with corrupted control information
In this case, all the data is correct, but some of the backup control information is incorrect, which might cause problems with the restore. Ask IBM® Software Support for assistance.
Backups with missing data
When a backup is missing data, it might not be recoverable. After a data loss, try to restore from an older backup. Then restore the current logical logs.
Backups of inconsistent database server data
There are cases where archecker returns “success” to ON-Bar but shows “failure” in the archecker message logs. This situation occurs when archecker verifies that ON-Bar backed up the data correctly, but the database server data was invalid or inconsistent when it was backed up.