Storage-manager definitions in the sm_versions file
Most storage managers must have an entry in the sm_versions file.
The HCL Informix® Primary Storage Manager and Tivoli® Storage Manager do not require an entry in the sm_versions file.
In the format, XBSA_ver is the release version of the XBSA shared library for the storage manager, sm_name is the name of the storage manager, and sm_ver is the storage-manager version. The maximum field length is 128 characters.
Before ON-Bar starts a backup or restore process with the Tivoli Storage Manager and third-party storage managers, ON-Bar calls the currently installed version of the storage-manager-specific XBSA shared library to get its version number. If this version is compatible with the current version of ON-Bar and is defined in the sm_versions file, ON-Bar begins the requested operation.