Change Data Capture error codes

If a Change Data Capture function encounters a problem, it returns an error code. Most functions return 0 if they succeed.

Error numbers are not guaranteed to remain the same in subsequent releases. Always use the symbolic names in your application code. You can view the error message text corresponding to a symbolic error name by using the cdc_errortext() function.
Table 1. Change Data Capture error codes
Symbolic Name Description
CDC_E_OK Operation succeeded.
CDC_E_NOCDCDB The syscdc database does not exist.
CDC_E_APIVERS The requested CDC API behavior version is not valid or is unsupported.
CDC_E_NODB The specified database does not exist.
CDC_E_DBNOTLOGGED The specified database is not logged.
CDC_E_NOTAB The specified table does not exist.
CDC_E_TABPROPERTIES The table properties do not support capture: it is a temporary table, a view, or otherwise not logged.
CDC_E_NOCOL The specified column does not exist.
CDC_E_NOSES The specified CDC session does not exist.
CDC_E_NOREOPEN The CDC session cannot be reopened.
CDC_E_TABCAPTURED The specified table is already being captured by the CDC session.
CDC_E_TABNOTCAPTURED The specified table is not being captured by the CDC session.
CDC_E_ARGNULL An argument to the function has the SQL NULL value, which is not allowed.
CDC_E_LSN Data at the requested log sequence number is unavailable for capture.
CDC_E_DUPLSESS A CDC session is already active.
CDC_E_ARG A parameter passed to the function is not valid.
CDC_E_ARG1 The first parameter passed to the function is not valid.
CDC_E_ARG2 The second parameter passed to the function is not valid.
CDC_E_ARG3 The third parameter passed to the function is not valid.
CDC_E_ARG4 The fourth parameter passed to the function is not valid.
CDC_E_ARG5 The fifth parameter passed to the function is not valid.
CDC_E_ARG6 The sixth parameter passed to the function is not valid.
CDC_E_INTERNAL Internal error. Contact IBM® Support.
CDC_E_NOMEM Memory allocation failed.
CDC_E_MUSTCLOSE The CDC capture session cannot continue and must be closed.
CDC_E_BADSTATE The resource state does not allow the attempted operation.
CDC_E_BADCHAR A byte sequence that is not a valid character in the character code set was encountered.
CDC_E_INTERRUPT The CDC session was interrupted.
CDC_E_UNIMPL Unimplemented feature.
CDC_E_LOCALEMISMATCH The locale setting in the environment does not match the locale of the database.

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