onstat -g cdc

Monitors the sessions involved in change data capture.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-onstat -g cdc--+-----------+--------------------------------->

   | +-bufm----------------------------+  '-long-' |   
   | '-table--+----------------------+-'           |   
   |          '-database:owner.table-'             |   

Table 1. The onstat -g cdc syntax elements
Element Purpose
bufm Displays information about the buffers being used by the session, including:
  • The highest number of buffers used by the session.
  • The number of buffers currently being used by the session.
  • With the long option, the address of each allocated buffer.
config Displays information about the session configuration, including:
  • The read timeout setting for the session, in seconds.
  • The maximum number of records returned by a read call.
database:owner.table The fully-qualified name of the table for which to display information. The qualified name includes the following elements:
  • database: The name of the database in which the table exists.
  • owner: The name of the owner of the table.
  • table: the name of the table.
long Provides additional detail for sessions, the bufm option, or the table option.
sessionID Displays information for the specified session ID:
  • The associated SQL session ID.
  • The number of tables being captured by the session.
  • With the long option, information about the number of records processed by the session.

If you do not specify a session ID, or if you specify a session ID of 0, information for all sessions is displayed.

table Displays information about the tables being captured, including:
  • The number of tables being captured in a session.
  • The full name of each table being captured.
  • The time when data capture on each table started.
  • With the long option, information about the captured columns for each table.

If you specify a fully-qualified table name, only the information for that table is displayed. If you do not specify a table name, information for all tables is displayed.


The following examples display sample output of the onstat -g cdc command with some of its options.

Example 1: Detailed session information
The following command generates output that shows detailed information about the session 159383591:
onstat -g cdc 159383591 long

CDC subsystem structure at 0x44252318
    CDC session structure at 0x4d8e0d00
        CDC session id: 159383591 (0x9800027)
        Associated SQL session id: 304
        Number of tables captured: 1
        State: ACTIVATED (0x50534555)
        Create time: 1238530254 (Tue Mar 31 15:10:54 2009)
        Open time: 1238530254 (Tue Mar 31 15:10:54 2009)
        Activate time: 1238530256 (Tue Mar 31 15:10:56 2009)
        Activate Sequence Number: 0x0
        Total client read calls: 9
        Last client read time: 1238530321 (Tue Mar 31 15:12:01 2009)
        Last Sequence Number returned to client: 0x150004b774
        Total number records examined: 4385
        Total number records kept (approximate): 1937
        Total number I/U/D records examined: 1046
        Total number I/U/D records kept (approximate): 582
        Client required to close: NO
        Read exit error code: 0
Example 2: Configuration information
The following command generates output that shows information about the configuration of open sessions:
onstat -g cdc config

CDC subsystem structure at 0x44252318
    CDC session structure at 0x4dba3d00
        CDC session id: 160432167 (0x9900027)
        Read Timeout (seconds): 3
        Maximum buffers per read call: 4
        Survive DATALOST errors: NO

    CDC session structure at 0x4d8e0d00
        CDC session id: 159383591 (0x9800027)
        Read Timeout (seconds): 3
        Maximum buffers per read call: 4
        Survive DATALOST errors: NO

    CDC session structure at 0x4c022d00
        CDC session id: 158335015 (0x9700027)
        Read Timeout (seconds): 3
        Maximum buffers per read call: 4
        Survive DATALOST errors: NO
Example 3: Buffer information
The following command generates output that shows information about the buffers being used by currently open sessions:
onstat -g cdc 0 bufm

CDC subsystem structure at 0x44252318
    CDC session structure at 0x4dba3d00
        CDC session id: 160432167 (0x9900027)

        Buffer Manager  at 0x4dba5028
            Number of allocated buffers high watermark: 268
            Number of currently allocated buffers: 267
            Minimum prepend for alloced buffers: 172

    CDC session structure at 0x4d8e0d00
        CDC session id: 159383591 (0x9800027)

        Buffer Manager  at 0x4d8e2028
            Number of allocated buffers high watermark: 271
            Number of currently allocated buffers: 270
            Minimum prepend for alloced buffers: 172

    CDC session structure at 0x4c022d00
        CDC session id: 158335015 (0x9700027)

        Buffer Manager  at 0x4c6e5028
            Number of allocated buffers high watermark: 269
            Number of currently allocated buffers: 267
            Minimum prepend for alloced buffers: 172
Example 4: Table information
The following command generates output that shows information about the session 158335015 for the table named account:
onstat -g cdc 158335015 table bank:pinch.account

CDC subsystem structure at 0x44252318
    CDC session structure at 0x4c022d00
        CDC session id: 158335015 (0x9700027)
        Captured Table Manager found at 0x4c048b20
        Number of tables captured: 1

            Captured Table structure at 0x4c6e5160
                Full Table Name: bank:pinch.account
                Version Sequence Number: 0xe00238388
                Time capture started: 1238530249 (Tue Mar 31 15:10:49 2009)

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