Informix database server compatibility

The HCL Informix® Object Interface for C++ can be used to create database client applications that run against HCL Informix databases. However, classes and methods that support version 9,x and 10.x extensibility features are not supported with version 7.x databases.

HCL Informix version 7.x does not support the boolean, int8, blob, clob, or lvarchar data types or the Informix extended data types: opaque, distinct, row, and collection.

Some of the Object Interface for C++ examples work only with Informix version 9.x and 10.x, since the version 7.x Dynamic Server SQL parser does not support Informix data type casting syntax (value::data_type) in SQL statements.

Object Interface for C++ dynamic loading and object delegation technique are only useful with Informix databases.

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