The ITValue interface

Base class: ITEssential

An interface class that provides basic value object support. All objects representing values from the database must support, at a minimum, the ITValue interface.

This interface provides the following methods.
Method Description
const ITString &Printable() Returns a printable form of the value in a constant string.
const ITTypeInfo &TypeOf() Returns the database type information for this value.
ITBool IsNull() Returns TRUE if this is a null value.
ITBool SameType(ITValue *) Returns TRUE if this value is the same database type as the specified value.
ITBool Equal(ITValue *) Returns TRUE if the specified values are equal. False values are not equal to each other or to any other value.
ITBool LessThan(ITValue *) Returns TRUE if and only if the object is less than the argument and the objects are comparable. (“Less than” is defined as appropriate for the data type.)
ITBool CompatibleType(ITValue *) Returns TRUE for all built-in objects if the objects are compatible.
ITBool IsUpdated() Returns TRUE if the object was updated, FALSE if it did not change since it was first created. Value objects of complex types (rows, collections) are considered updated when any of their members are updated.
ITBool FromPrintable(const ITString &printable) Sets the object value from the printable representation. FromPrintable() accepts the printable representation of the object equivalent to the input function of the object. Printable() provides the character representation of the object equivalent to the output function of the object. For additional usage, see Use of ITValue::Printable with null value objects.
ITBool SetNull() Sets the object value to NULL.

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