The mi_var_free() function

The mi_var_free() function frees the specified varying-length structure.


mi_integer mi_var_free (varlen_ptr)
   mi_lvarchar *varlen_ptr
The pointer to the varying-length structure to free.
Valid in client LIBMI application? Valid in user-defined routine?
Yes Yes


The mi_var_free() function is a destructor function for a varying-length structure. It frees the varying-length structure that varlen_ptr references. Use mi_var_free() to explicitly free varying-length structures that you have allocated with the mi_new_var() function or that the mi_string_to_lvarchar() function has allocated.
Restrictioni: Do not use the DataBlade API memory-management function mi_free() to deallocate a varying-length structure.

Return values

The function was successful.
The function was not successful.

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