The mi_vpinfo_vpid() function

The mi_vpinfo_vpid() function obtains the VP identifier of the virtual processor (VP) on which the user-defined routine (UDR) is executing.


mi_integer mi_vpinfo_vpid(void)
Valid in client LIBMI application? Valid in user-defined routine?
No Yes
Important: This advanced function can adversely affect your UDR if you use the function incorrectly. Use it only when no regular DataBlade API function can perform the task you need done.


The mi_vpinfo_vpid() function returns the VP identifier for the current VP. The current VP is the VP on which the current UDR is running. The VP identifier is a unique integer that the database server assigns to each active VP. The output of the onstat -g glo command displays the VP identifier for a VP in its first output column.

After you have a VP identifier, you can use the following DataBlade API functions to obtain additional information about the VP environment.

DataBlade API function
VP-environment information
VP-class identifier
Does the current VP belong to a nonyielding VP class?

For information about the VP environment, see the IBM® Informix® DataBlade API Programmer's Guide.

Return values

The VP identifier for the VP on which the current UDR is running.
The function was not successful.

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