Access a varying-length structure

A varying-length structure contains the following information:
  • Private members, which are not revealed to the DataBlade API programmer
  • Public members, which you can access with DataBlade API functions
After you allocate a varying-length structure, you can access the public members of this structure with the DataBlade API accessor functions in the following table.
Table 1. Varying-length accessor functions
Accessor function name Description
mi_get_varlen() Obtains from the varying-length descriptor the length of the varying-length data
mi_get_vardata() Obtains from the varying-length descriptor the data pointer to the data contained in the data portion
mi_get_vardata_align() Obtains from the varying-length descriptor the data pointer to the data contained in the data portion, adjusting for any initial padding required to align the data on a specified byte boundary
mi_set_varlen() Sets the length of the varying-length data in the varying-length descriptor
mi_set_vardata() Sets the data in the data portion of the varying-length structure
mi_set_vardata_align() Sets the data in the data portion of the varying-length structure, adding any initial padding required to align the data on a specified byte boundary
mi_set_varptr() Sets the data pointer in the varying-length descriptor to the location of a data portion that you allocate
Restriction: To a DataBlade API module, the varying-length structure is an opaque C data structure. Do not access its internal fields directly. The internal structure of the varying-length structure might change in future releases. Therefore, to create portable code, always use the accessor functions for this structure to obtain and store values.

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