Boolean binary representation

The SQL BOOLEAN data type holds the internal (binary) format of a Boolean value. This value is a single-byte representation of Boolean data, as the following table shows.
Boolean value Binary representation
True \1
False \0
The BOOLEAN data type is a predefined opaque type (an opaque data type that HCL Informix® defines). Its external format is the Boolean text representation that Table 1 shows. Its internal format consists of the values that the preceding table shows.
Tip: The internal format of the BOOLEAN data type is often referred to as its binary representation.

The DataBlade API supports the SQL BOOLEAN data type with the mi_boolean data type. Therefore, the mi_boolean data type also holds the binary representation of a Boolean value.

An mi_boolean value is one byte on all computer architectures; therefore, it can fit into an MI_DATUM structure. You can pass mi_boolean data by value in C UDRs.

In client LIBMI applications, you must pass all data by reference, including mi_boolean values.

In a Windows environment, because an mi_boolean value is smaller than the size of an MI_DATUM structure, the DataBlade API cast promotes the value to the size of MI_DATUM when you copy the value into an MI_DATUM structure. When you obtain the mi_boolean value from an MI_DATUM structure, you need to reverse the cast promotion to ensure that your value is correct.
MI_DATUM datum;
mi_boolean bool_val;
bool_val = (char) datum;

Alternatively, you can declare an mi_integer value to hold the Boolean value.

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