Open a collection with mi_collection_open()

When you open a collection with mi_collection_open(), you obtain an update scroll cursor to hold the collection elements. Therefore, you can perform operations on a collection opened with mi_collection_open().

Cursor attribute Valid operations
Read/write cursor Insert, delete, update, fetch
Scroll cursor Fetch forward and backward through the collection elements

All Fetch operations are valid. (See Table 1)

The following code fragment shows an example of using the mi_collection_open() function to create and open a LIST collection with INTEGER elements.
 * Create and open a collection 
MI_COLL_DESC *coll_desc;
MI_COLLECTION *coll_ptr;
MI_TYPEID *type_id;
type_id = mi_typestring_to_id(conn, "list(integer not null)");
coll_ptr = mi_collection_create(conn, type_id);
coll_desc = mi_collection_open(conn, coll_ptr);
The following figure shows the cursor position after the mi_collection_open() call.
Figure 1. Collection cursor after the collection is opened
begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description

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