Access methods

The smart-large-object open mode includes the access method, which determines whether to access the smart-large-object data sequentially or with random access.

The following table shows the access methods for a smart large object.
Table 1. Access methods for a smart large object
Method of access Purpose
Random access Indicates that I/O is random

When you plan to read in nonsequential locations in the smart large object, the smart-large-object optimizer does not read ahead a few pages.

Sequential access Indicates that reads are sequential in either forward or reverse direction:
  • Forward: Indicates that the direction of sequential access is forward

    If you do not specify a direction, the default is forward.

  • Reverse: Indicates that the direction of sequential access is reverse

When you read a smart large object sequentially, the smart-large-object optimizer can read ahead a few pages.

The default access method is random, although the smart-large-object optimizer might change this default based on a particular read pattern.

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