Lo-specification structure

The LO-specification structure, MI_LO_SPEC, defines the storage characteristics for an existing or a new smart large object. The storage characteristics provide information about features of the smart large object and how to store it on disk.

The following table summarizes the memory operations for an LO-specification structure.
Memory duration Memory operation Function name
Current® memory duration Constructor mi_lo_spec_init()
Current memory duration Destructor mi_lo_spec_free()
To access an LO-specification structure in a DataBlade API module, declare a pointer to an MI_LO_SPEC structure. For example, the following line shows the valid syntax of a variable that accesses an LO-specification structure:
MI_LO_SPEC *myspec; /* valid syntax */
Declaration of a flat LO-specification structure generates a compile error. The following line shows invalid syntax for an LO-specification structure:
MI_LO_SPEC myspec; /* INVALID syntax */

The milo.h header file defines the MI_LO_SPEC data type. Therefore, you must include the milo.h (or mi.h) file in DataBlade API modules that access this structure.

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