Lo file descriptor

The LO file descriptor, MI_LO_FD, is a reference to an open smart large object. An LO file descriptor is similar to a file descriptor for an operating-system file. It is an integer number that serves as a transient descriptor for performing I/O on the data of the smart large object.

A LO file descriptor provides the following information about an open smart large object:
  • The LO seek position, the current position at which read and write operations occur.

    When you first open a smart large object, the seek position is at byte zero.

  • The open mode of the smart large object, which determines which operations can be performed on the data and how to buffer the data for I/O operations.

    You specify the open mode when you open a smart large object.

The following table summarizes the memory operations for an LO file descriptor.
Memory duration Memory operation Function name
Not allocated from memory-duration pools Constructor mi_lo_copy(), mi_lo_create(), mi_lo_expand(), mi_lo_from_file(), mi_lo_open()
Not allocated from memory-duration pools Destructor mi_lo_close()
To access an LO file descriptor in a DataBlade API module, declare a variable with the MI_LO_FD data type. For example, the following line declares the variable my_lofd that is an LO file descriptor:
MI_LO_FD my_lofd;
The milo.h header file defines the MI_LO_FD data type. Therefore, you must include the milo.h (or mi.h) file in DataBlade API modules that access this handle.
Tip: Other smart-large-object data type structures require that you declare a pointer to them because the DataBlade API handles memory allocation for these structures. However, you can declare an LO file descriptor directly.
Server only:
Because you declare an LO file descriptor directly, its scope is that of the variable you declare to hold it. When you assign an LO file descriptor to a local variable, the LO file descriptor is deallocated when the function that declares it ends. If you want to keep the LO file descriptor longer, you can allocate user memory with the memory duration you want (up to the advanced duration of PER_SESSION) and copy the LO file descriptor into this memory. For example, you can assign the LO file descriptor to PER_COMMAND memory and copy it into the user state of the MI_FPARAM structure.
Important: Although the scope of an LO file descriptor is determined by its declaration, the scope of the open smart large object (which the LO file descriptor identifies) is the entire session. Make sure you explicitly close a smart large object before the scope of its LO file descriptor expires.

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