Lo-status structure

The LO-status structure, MI_LO_STAT, contains the status information for an existing smart large object.

The following table summarizes the memory operations for an LO-status structure.
Memory duration Memory operation Function name
Current® memory duration Constructor mi_lo_stat()
  Destructor mi_lo_stat_free()
To access an LO-status structure in a DataBlade API module, declare a pointer to an MI_LO_STAT structure. For example, the following line declares the variable mystat that points to an LO-specification structure:
MI_LO_STAT *mystat; /* valid syntax */
Declaration of a flat LO-status structure generates a compile error. The following line shows invalid syntax for an LO-status structure:
MI_LO_STAT mystat; /* INVALID syntax */

The milo.h header file defines the MI_LO_STAT data type. Therefore, you must include the milo.h (or mi.h) file in DataBlade API modules that access this structure.

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