Free an LO handle

Server only: The LO handle structure is allocated with the current memory duration. Therefore, if it has the default memory duration of PER_ROUTINE, the database server automatically frees it when the UDR completes.
To explicitly free the resources assigned to an LO handle, you can use one of the following DataBlade API functions.
DataBlade API function Object freed
mi_lo_release() Frees resources of a transient smart large object

Frees an LO handle that the DataBlade API allocated

mi_free() Frees an LO handle that you have allocated

If you allocate an LO handle with a DataBlade API memory-management function (such as mi_alloc() or mi_dalloc()), use mi_free() to explicitly free the resources.

mi_lo_delete_immediate() Immediately frees the resources of a smart large object (rather than waiting for the end of the transaction)

When these resources are freed, they can be reallocated to other structures that your program needs.

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