Accessing a smart large object

To access an existing smart large object in the database, you need to perform the following steps.
Step Task Smart-large-object function More information
1. Execute a SELECT statement to obtain the LO handle of the smart large object from the CLOB or BLOB column. mi_exec(), mi_exec_prepared_statement(), mi_value() Selecting the LO handle
2. Convert the returned column value into an LO handle. C Cast Convert an LO handle between binary and text
3. Open the smart large object that the LO handle identifies and return a valid LO file descriptor. mi_lo_open() Open a smart large object
4. Read a specified number of bytes and store them in a user-defined buffer. mi_lo_read(), mi_lo_readwithseek() Read data from a smart large object
5. Close the smart large object. mi_lo_close() Free a smart large object
6. Free resources. mi_lo_release() Free resources
The following figure shows the first four of these steps that a DataBlade API module uses to access the smart-large-object data from the emp_picture column of the employee table (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Selecting a BLOB column
begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description

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